I'm Jessica and I'm a business coach and mentor for wedding planners & coordinators. I have made it my mission to help other women (just like you) build thriving, sought after wedding planning businesses that allow them to do what they love and do so with confidence.
Small biz life can be lonely, and I know all too well what it's like to wish I had another set of eyes on my business - someone who understands. Someone who's been there. Someone who just gets it.
Whether you're a few years in or just hit publish on your first website, I love nothing more than working alongside ambitious, determined wedding planners ready to take their business beyond the startup phase. Women who crave better systems and processes, more clarity and and most importantly an accountability partner.
I'd love to be that person. Your person. The one who encourages and empowers you to scale this big dream of yours.
my favorite people
"I can't say enough how valuable it is to invest in a business coach. There's a reason why I've seen so much success (not to toot my own horn) but it really is due to having a business coach to ensure systems are in place, I'm strategic about my pricing, hiring the right team, etc. All these goals would not be possible without the accountability Jessica provides."
the accountability, the clarity and the confidence boost was exactly what I needed